Analytical HPLC S 1260 Infinity III Prime LC System

The 1260 Infinity III Prime LC System is an analytical ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography instrument. It operates at high pressures and can handle flow rates up to 5 mL/min for using UHPLC columns packed with sub-2 μm particles. This HPLC/UHPLC system gives you the utmost confidence in your HPLC results and is a perfect front end for your LC/MS system. A broad range of detection options is available on this quaternary UHPLC system for routine HPLC analysis.

The system offers high performance combined with exceptional flexibility. It delivers gradient formation and mixing performance that is equivalent to a binary-like system, ensuring efficient and reliable operation.It provides excellent retention time reproducibility, accuracy and precision.

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Analytical HPLC S 1260 Infinity III Prime LC System